Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Second Life: Let’s Get Interactive!

After observing the Second Life world, I decide to participate in it and interact with other members to get insight about what Second Life means to them and find some interesting facts about it.
I again go searching for a place where I would love to be. Thinking about my summer I decide to go to Cape Town, South Africa since I’ll be spending two months there for the World Cup. I looked around and sure enough someone had built Green Point Stadium, which is the stadium that was built in Cape Town primarily for the World Cup. There were few people there but the ones that were there were speaking in a whole different language. I know the South Africa has 11 official languages, so I politely asked if they could speak English. Apparently, they were speaking Afrikaans the most spoken language in South Africa.
I decided to ask them what was one interesting thing about Second Life and they had told me that many of the “sexy” girls on Second Life are actually men. One avatar named Rudie Loots described to me that men are often ignored or not given much attention to as women so they take advantage of Second Life to have a sort of self fulfillment of their worth because men pay attention to them so much.
I found that really interesting that gender roles are switched in Second Life. It kind of made me skeptical when I speak with a female avatar because they could very much be some guys. It’s very interesting that Second Life acts as a platform for people to change the person they are completely even gender.

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