Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Web Images of Yourself

Should you have the same picture on your Facebook profile as the same as your Linkedin profile? Does it really matter that you have a red cup in your hand in a picture? Do employers really care about the content picture wise you have on Facebook? Your web image is the first thing the web community sees about you, and if you tell me, it’s a very strategic move to have just the perfect profile picture between my Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter account. Let me break down exactly what a Facebook profile picture requires to be effective.
Now, I am heavily apart of an organization on campus called Planet Longhorn. We provide a service where we help incoming international exchange students, and before every semester when a new round of exchange students come I will individually send them Facebook messages describing Planet Longhorn and what we provide for exchange students. I know for a fact that the exchange students, who I never met, will be judging me and making assumptions about me just about my profile picture. They are grateful I’ve sent them a message expressing my help, but they are too afraid to add me on Facebook yet, so all they can really perceive about me is my profile picture, which I take a while to consider it, but I will usually leave the same picture up for awhile. I have definitely evolved from my first Facebook profile picture to what it is now. I used to think it should just be all about me and I had the webcam shots of me looking cute and coy, but I realize that is not as cool as I thought it to be. In reality I think it’s kind of cocky and silly for me to just take a picture especially for Facebook, so I realized using pictures that were taken by others is the way to go whether it be at some party or downtown at the clubs this way your profile picture says “oh she goes out. Cool.” Instead of oh she just stays in her room on her webcam all night. I always like to have others in my profile picture as well because it shows I am an interactive social person. Also, I enjoy it to be quirky and fun because it shows I have a goofy yet approachable side. I take all of this into consideration when choosing my profile picture. I also have to make sure it is censored at least from my family members because I have them on a limited profile view so all they can see is my profile picture, so I cannot have a picture of me drinking or wearing anything low cut or scandalous or else my brothers will show my mom and she’ll get angry.
Basically my Facebook profile picture is just the same as if I was going out meeting someone for the first time. I take into serious condition what I am wearing, how I am acting, and whether I am in a position where if I ran into my mom she would disapprove.

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