Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Welcome to Second Life!

Today, I created a Second Life for myself as Cattalya Johnson. Why Cattalya? That is what my parents were actually going to name until I was born and they saw that my white skin resembled that of an orchid called Vanda. Why Johnson? It seems like a pretty common generic name because my real last name is very long and unique.
Now in Second Life, I am generally confused and not knowing what to do I try all the features I can do. I apparently can fly in my new life so I try that out but I realize I’m in a place where there are not much people so I decide to search for a destination where I would actually really like to go to in real life. I decide to travel to London because it’s one of my favorite cities and the band, Laurel Collective, are from London and I got to meet them during South by Southwest.
As I stand from afar, I began to observe these people in my new life. There are many handsome avatars as well as very scantily clad female avatars drawing the attention of the male avatars. I go up and watch a female avatar in a skin-tight unitard resembling the ones worn in Beyonce’s “Single Ladies” music video. She was just randomly dancing in front of everyone, and I thought wow if anyone did that in real life they would be made fun of, but here in the London Second Life her sensual moves were being embraced my men and women avatars alike.
What I’ve concluded from this Second Life session is that people are starved for attention on Second Life and can easily get it by wearing lack of clothing and dancing like a stripper. Huh…I guess I’ll try that next time?

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